How to Pass PMP® Exam on First Try During COVID 19/Corona Crisis

How to Pass PMP® Exam on First Try During COVID 19/Corona Crisis

We are all into a war against invisible COVID 19. If we survive, we will be the superheroes to our future generation but what stories to be told to your grandchildren? How did you fight?

Yes, Create a great story by utilizing your home quarantine time to invest in PMP® Study and you can easily pass the exam just studying 200 hours (Six Weeks or 1.5 Months) as per the following guideline.

Thanks to PMI, they have allowed us to sit for the exam from home or any suitable places and also extended the current version of the exam till end of December 2020 to make best use of your idle time. Here is the action plan to pass PMP® exam in 1.5 months spending max 200 hours:


Invest your weekends 100% on PMP® Study:

  • If you have weekends on Saturday/Sunday or Friday/Saturday, make sure you utilize these times with full dedication.
  • In 1.5 months time, you will get almost 12 weekly holidays. You should target to study 6-8 hours on holidays which will allow you to study at least 100 hours (net output)

Utilize the evening hours on working days:

  • Due to quarantine, you can save a lot of travel time as many of you don’t need to go to the office.
  • Target to study 3-4 hours everyday in the evening or night during working days.

Take a Few Days Leave before the exam date:

  • If your weekends are on Saturday & Sunday then you should schedule your exam on Monday. Also, make sure to take leave before the weekends so that you get at least 5-7 days full time before sitting  exams on monday. This is a very important and probably most effective strategy.


Milestone 1:

Firstly, read the PMBOK®GUIDE Sixth edition like you are reading literature. Just go through the book and no need to go in depth. Target to read it in 2 days spending max 12-15 hours. [Note – This is very common to get confused and feel bored on first read. Accept it.]

Milestone 2:

Read the Knowledge Areas and Practice in Simulator (Chapter by Chapter). Create a 14 days [Two Week] Calendar for study.

Week 01: 30 hours

Table 1_How to pass pmp

Net Output of Milestone 2: Read the PMBOK®GUIDE by Knowledge area and practice chapter by chapter.

Milestone 3:

Simulated Model Exam (04 Hours Model Exam) – Create another  14 days [Two Week] Calendar for study.

  1. There are 12 Full Model Exams in PMaspire PMP Exam Simulator. Target to finish all of them.
  2. Weekends/Holidays: First Half of the Day – Take 4 Hours Exam and Second Half of the day Go through the Justifications of Each question you answered wrong or confused during the exam.
  3. Working days: Attempt 1 model exam in one day and solve the problems on the next day.

Week 03, 04, 05 : 

33 hours Weekly* 3 = 99 hours

Table 2_How to pass pmp

Net Output of Milestone 3: Read the detailed justifications of Each question with PMBOK®GUIDE page and section reference. PMaspire exam simulator comes with detailed justifications including page and section reference.

Sign Up For FREE – 400 PMP Questions with Detailed justifications (Click Here)

PMP Questions with Justifications

Milestone 4:

Week 06 – Review PMBOK®Guide and All Simulated Model Exams. Review all 12 Simulated Model exams available in PMaspire Exam Simulator.

To Learn more about simulator package Click Here

PMP Model Exam Free

PMP Certification is a Project – Create your PMP® Study WBS

Passing the PMP® Exam is a critical project for both personal and professional life. So my advice would be to create a Project at BASELINE® Project Management Software (Click for Free Registration) and track your progress.

Create Your WBS

Final Call: If you spend 6 weeks as per the above plan and score about 65% and above in PMaspire Simulated Exam, you should be confident enough to sit for the exam. To check your exam readiness, please login to PMaspire Exam Simulator > Exam Analytics and Click on “Performance Analytics”

pmp performance graph

This study plan is proven, followed by thousands of professionals and achieved great success. So you can be rest assured to follow this and create a great story to be shared with your grandchildren !

If you need any support, please reach out at

Article originally published on linkedin:

Article Written By:


Founder & CEO

PMaspire Singapore Pte Ltd.

Creator of AI Based PMO Software, Multi-Lingual Exam Simulation Platform